Transition, events and a bit of Don’t Stop Me Now!

With the new classes being announced, Badgers started this week off with some transitioning to secondary. We walked through our corridors to see Dan and Beth in the art room. We got to explore the room and do some colouring, using a range of different media. They all did a fantastic walking there and back. They’re certainly going to enjoy their art next academic year.

Badgers designed their own lion this week. They tore paper into strips and placed the eyes, mouse and nose into the correct places. The torn pieces of paper was then used to make the mane. Badgers did some great sticking and placing the items into the correct positions.

What a fantastic event for our young Badgers and their family to enjoy. Bubbles, face painting, hook a duck, drums and our very own Gruffalo trail WITH OUR OWN GRUFFALO!! Thank you to all the parents that came to enjoy the experience with us. It was great to see you all.

Bev’s music lesson this week was all about deciding whether to play high or low. Are Young Badgers listen to each other play, made the choice is between the different pitches and also had time to play in time with the big drum.

The last few weeks staff and children in Badgers have been working on different makaton signing. What better way than to showcase it in a music video! Some children stood still and hand their picture taken holding the symbols and others attempted signing or signing the different parts of the song. We’re immensely proud of what all of our Badgers have achieved this year, Enjoy…

A bit of Euro ’24 Fever, Problem Solving and Mess!!

Some fine motor and problem solves in one here! Badgers had to keep adding blocks from the bottom of the giraffe until they had reached the head. This used our fine motor skills to pick the blocks up and join them together before taking them apart. Some of the other members of the group were able to identify which was big and which one was small.

A little bit of mark making – unfortunatly the pool was closed this week so we decided to get the paints out, test our sensory input to our hands and make some marks. Some or our Badgers used thier hands to make marks from paint to paper, others used the table (that was of covered with paint) and then press paper over the top to make the different patterns.

To celebrate England’s ‘sucess’ in the Euro ’24 competition, we completed some art! Badgers had to spread glue in the area for the St. George’s cross before either pouring red pasta onto the glued surface or cutting out different footballing equipment and sticking this in the correct area.

We’ve started our transitioning this week. Badgers have walked through the secondary corridor and up some stairs to the music room for this week’s music lesson with Bev.
We all did some good listening and choosing whether we would like the sound to be high pitched or low pitched whilst practising our turn taking. We even got the treat of bubbles at the end because we worked so hard.

For cooking this week, we’re making an oat bars… we got chance to try the different ingredients (honey, dried fruit and oats). Then we had to choose the ingredients, measure, pour and mix before we put it into the fridge to set so we can enjoy it during snack time…
We enjoyed sampleling the dried fruit, honey and the oats before we selected them to go into our cooking.
Have a look how good they look – sorry there won’t be any to take home – we’ve eaten them all 🙂

A very hot week!

To start the week we completed some intense interaction. It’s a great opportunity for our young Badgers to engage with sensory opportunities. With all the actions linked to music, we enjoyed kneading with hands, tapping with spatulas and crunching with a scour pad.

Problem solving took place in the swimming pool this week; How are we going to move the ball across the pool? Badgers enjoyed hitting the ball across the pool to peers and adults and tapping it across the water. Great problem solving using gross motor skills.

The last few weeks in music we have been working on stop and go, turn taking and playing at different volumes. This week we had the drums!!! We were playing along with the Queen song ‘don’t stop me now!’ Our young Badgers were able to sit together as a group and perform the song at different speeds all together. They did really, really well.

This week, we’ve made rocky roads bars. We had to break up lots of biscuits, making them into crumbs by using our muscles. Next, we had to mix and pour chocolate and chop up the marshmallows before adding them all together and mixing again. Finally, we had to scoop and splat into a tin before smoothing it over. Then, it went into the fridge so we get to enjoy later. Yum yum! Lots of skills and working together to accomplish this task! Great work, Badgers!

If you would like to have a go at home, please feel free to use the link below. It’s a youtube clip that will guide you through everything you will needed to do. Enjoy!

Here we are enjoying our Friday afternoon, eating the rocky roads and sucking our delicious treats from AD’s mum. Thank you very much, they were very appreciated in this hot weather.

Getting Active, Getting Healthy

A little spot of cricket to start our week! Badgers practised bowling underarm, aiming at a target, batting a ball and also counting whilst we waited for the ball to be thrown. Even our JoJo got involved trying to hit the ball – she was not as good as our young Badgers, but alteast she tried!

Linking into our Safari topic, Badgers have been looking at different animals. In this task, some of the Badgers matched the fur to the different animals and others also added the names of them. There had to be lots of concentration because some of these animals were VERY close. They all did a fab job!

A little bit of pool safety – how we enter and leave the pool safely. There was counting whilst we played, retreiving toys from thr bottom of the pool, submerging our face in the water and being splashed with different equipment. They all did really well and had lots of fun too!

Pupil voice is an important part of any school. At Oakwood, we have been given the opportunity to allow the children to select items they would like to see on the menu. There was lots of selecting from the pictures of the foods our young Badgers enjoy. Some verbalised their favourite foods, some sorted the choices into piles and others stuck them down onto the plate template.

We have started to read a little bit of Handa’s Suprise. To start with, during our cooking lessons, we had teh opportunity to taste some of the fruit from the book. This week we sampled mango, passion fruit and bananas. It was a great chance for our young Badgers to sample different fruits.

Our art this week was all about learning about primary colours. Red, yellow and blue. We used our mark marking to make different tracks and patterns in the paint as well as investigating the different colours that are made when we join the primary colours together.

Why don’t you have a read of the story at home!? Here’s the link below to listen to the story:

Readying Father’s Day Surprises

To start our week with problems solving we matched numbers with different representations. The other part of the group were writing numbers and putting how many dots could be found in that number. We were practicing out number formation (getting those 3s the correct way is tricky!). Some even did some addition sums! Amazing work!

Here is a sneaky glance at one of our Father’s Day activities. Our young badgers had to keep their hands still whilst it was drawn around and then they were encouraged to use their fine motor skills to cut out the hand that had been drawn around before stick all the parts down to make the surprise…

Back in the pool for our weekly swim. Badgers enjoyed having water poured over them, putting their face in water, and splashing around. Lots of pool safety and fun. The Badgers team have been encouraging pupils to use communication for more or to stop when they have had enough.

Another Father’s Day surprise this week let us get our hands dirty. We rolled paper in paint to make a feature on the card, we used cutting, gluing, and sticking, as well as practising our handwriting on the inside. Here’s a sneak peek of what we were doing…just joking, we can’t ruin the surprise 😳😊👀

During a cooking this week we made lemonade. We looked at the measuring out sugar, squeezing lemons, and practice our pouring with accuracy. We then had to stir it all together before we sampled it. Nice homemade lemonade.

Badgers would just was just like to wish all of the dads and father figures in our life a very happy Father’s Day – have a great day!

First Week Back

Starting off the week with a sensory tray. Our young Badgers worked together to identify different animals and play together in the same space. We concentrated on sharing and matching, as well as tolerating different senses in our hands.

A very messy bucket with an explosion of shaving foam. Our young Badgers watched as the ball splattered the piles of shaving foam. Some even managed to get onto all of our faces. A great opportunity to use our communication to ask for more or to say no, or no more.

For music this week we were investigating different sounds and pitch. We took it in turns to play the instruments whilst we listened to our friends. Great listening and turn taking. Well done Badgers.

For our cooking this week we concentrated on picture exchange to help improve our communication. Our young Badgers had to select the symbol for the item they needed and exchanged these. We also used our fine motor skills to spread butter on crumpets.

We’ve been enjoying watching and listening to Debbie and Friends in YouTube. There are some fantastic stories that have been made into songs.. have a watch and listen at our with your young Badger.

Half way through the summer term!

Badgers have been working hard in their work stations. They are working well with their independence and improving their concentration time.

For Problem solving this week, we have been counting up to 20, adding blocks and taking them away. Some fantastic counting skills. The other part of the group have been matching numbers and starting to match number representations. Fantastic work by all.

Summer term leads us to a bit of summer sport… cricket. All of our Badgers were able to have attempts hitting the ball and bowling the ball to their opponents. They did super turn taking and hand eye co-ordination.

Lots of fun on Wednesday finding numbers around the school. There are so many opportunities when we’re out and about to find numbers and practice our maths. Maybe you could try some during the half term.

We haven’t participated in dough disco for a while so we decided to change it up a little on Friday. Lots of listening and copying fine motor movements. There was pinching, rolling, slapping and poking.

A week of sharing and working together.

We started our week off with some communication work during our bucket lesson. Our Badgers had the opportunity to spin on the chair. They had to ask for slow or fast and if they wanted more or to finish. Brilliant communication by all of the class.

Some of our problem solving this week was all about counting numbers, taking away and adding more to make other numbers. We also had number singing rhymes where our young Badgers had to match the number to the number in the song.

During our PE lesson, Badgers started off with a bit of floor is lava. Then we started to have some relay races. Our young Badgers started to pass a teddy to their friends, then running to their partner at different ends of the hall before finally walking over a bench to pass the teddy baton to a partner.

The first stage of papier mache is to tear the paper into strips. Well, that’s s far as we got! We watched how the paper falls when we chuck it up in the air. Lots of fun and chaos, but at least we’re going to be ready for glue and water next time!

at the end of our stage 3 bucket lesson, we went to the beach. Lots of sharing and turning as well as working in close proximity. There was also an opportunity for sensory to take our shoes and socks off and enjoy the sand between our toes.

Caterpillar salads today using our cress heads for added flavour. Lots of slicing and fine motor skills. Our young Badgers chopped cucumber, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes and carrots. We sampled all of these. One of the Badgers even got creative to make their finished salad to look like the caterpillar.

Summer is here? Outdoors and Waterplay!

We have had some lovely sun in forest. Our young Badgers made a flower and leaf picture from bits they collected from the forest. Then, we sat together and had a picnic before we were joined by another group and enjoyed some extra play with another group. It was nice to make new friends in the sun.

During our weekly PSHE lesson, Badger’s practiced their turn taking with their partner and also worked on their personal learning targets. You can see our young people using their communication books, identifying emotions and sharing.

In our weekly music session with Bev, our young badges enjoyed some Morris dancing, dancing around the May Pole and beating sticks in time with the music.

For cooking this week, we used lots of different skills… Badgers used knives to slice bananas and for spreading, they used their fine motor to place the banana rings to make ears and nose before adding eyes from chocolate discs. Can you see what they’ve created?

Something a little big different for this week’s golden time… water-play in the sun. We poured, shared a tray and watched the water danced as we banged on the tuff tray. It was so much fun splashing each other.

A week of turn taking and creativity

Badgers PE session this week focused on passing and undertaking. After a warmup with a parachute, by just sat in a circle and took it in turns to roll the ball to our friends. After that, we play the floor is lava and animal freeze game fantastic use of listening skills.

In our problem-solving we looked adding numbers using different representations and continuing patterns. Lots of I do, we do and you do to encourage our young Badgers to become independent.

Badgers made snakes! 🐍 to start with, badges use their fine motor skills with the cutting of a paper plate. This then moved onto choosing different colours of green to decorate the different patterns on our snake. To finish the added eyes and tongue on the head. Some fantastic independent work and cutting ability.

Badgers enjoyed the music lesson with Bev. Turn taking and listening to others was the focus this week, as well as learning the difference between fast and slow. The group took turns playing chime bars in time with music played at different tempos.

We made pizzas! Using wraps as a base, we poured tomato purée on the base and used different tools to spread it. Then we used cheese as our topping. We sprinkled this over the top before heating them up at eating them for snack. Our young Badgers loved it. Yum yum.

Badgers finish the week with some sensory tough tray sharing activities. We used cinnamon percent the flour sand and added herbs from the garden to add to the scents. The group did really well smelling the different smells and playing in the same area of our peers.