Hi Bumblebee families 👋
We hope you had a restful bank holiday😊
This week we have been bear explorers 🐻🧭. In our sensory story session we are continuing to explore ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!’, in which we are becoming more familiar with the story each week.
This week’s bucket time included exploring each step of the story and seeing if we could identify the key phrase ‘we’ve got to go… through it!’ by vocalising or pressing a sound button🥾. In stage 3, each child took turns to spray the brown paint to decorate the bear picture, working as a group and developing our observation and turn taking skills🤝
At the tables for our ‘work’ time, some of us explored a sensory tuff tray. Others began completing colourful semantics to express our understand of the story using familiar pages and answering ‘who?’, ‘what doing?’ and ‘where?’. Other children were using simple images linked to elements of the bear hunt story answering ‘who?’ and ‘where? 🤔❓
During our creative session, we mapped out a river, just like the first setting in the bear hunt story. We used our developing fine motor skills to sculpt a winding river using glue and building off of the paper with various blue shade materials 🏞️
All children showed great independence in completing the activity with little prompting needed from us adults 💙
In cooking this week, we have practiced our pouring skills to create our very own squash! The Bumblebees’ team are very impressed at our bee’s hard efforts to pour with accuracy which they have been developing in various activities across the year 🥰🥛
Our favourite was the orange squash and as you can see, lots of the children had a taste afterwards! 👅
We also created our own healthy fruit salad!🍒🍊🍇🍑🍌🍏
Using a blunt plastic knife, we held with a tight grasp and cut straight down to create slices of each fruit. We then added this into a bowl, following the visual instructions. We then made a choice between 3 symbols to choose which sauce we wanted to top it off. Each child made their own choice by tapping with an isolated finger and then squeezing the bottle with independence 🥗
As always, we are continuing to thrive in our communication skills; some of us have recently moved on to using more complex, stage 2 ALD’s!🗣️
Some of us are confidently able to tap a single PECS symbol or swipe across an ALD. Some of us are beginning to use an ALD more confidently by adding elements of ‘more’ and ‘finished’. Some of us are even pressing two symbols to connect words and navigate a request, WOW!🤩🥳
As you can see this week, a firm favourite was the balloon pump activity 🎈
A big thank you to our wonderful Bumblebee’s teaching assistant, Lisa❤️
Lisa is not only our life saver who keeps us safe each week with her watchful eye at the side of the pool, but she has also provided us with some wonderful pool resources that as you can see are greatly appreciated🥰
We hope that all the other classes enjoy these resources too when swimming over at Walsall Wood!🏊🤿
See you next week everyone!😊
The Bumblebee team🐝❤️