Chinese New Year

Bumblebees had an exciting music lesson this week celebrating Chinese New Year. We enjoyed hitting the gong and liked the noise that it made.

We have been practising our fine motor skills and problem solving skills this week. We are getting better at buttering our own toast and practised cutting using noodles and spaghetti.

We enjoy stories and songs in Bumblebees and have been practising our early reading skills by listening to stories and looking at pictures. We have also been continuing practising our mark making.

These are songs that we have been singing in class which are linked to our topic.

Jackson was this week’s superstar ⭐️

Let it snow

This week we have been busy making marks in lots of different ways. We enjoyed making marks with our hands and with the vehicles in shaving foam.

We also made marks in paint.

We have enjoyed some calming, sensory time this week and have completed some creative activities based around our ‘move it’ theme.

On Wednesday, we had a very exciting day and enjoyed time outside playing in the snow. This was a lovely sensory experience and was enjoyed in lots of different ways.

A Busy week in Bumblebees 🐝

We have had lots of fun this week in Bumblebees. We have continued with our transport theme and have enjoyed lots of messy and creative play. We enjoyed playing in the baked beans although we weren’t sure about the feel of it on our hands. We pushed the naughty bus from our story through the baked beans and some of us even enjoyed washing up afterwards.

We have been practising our mark making this week. We have been mark making in foam and paint, as well as using crayons. We are learning that we can make marks in lots of different ways.

We are learning to become more independent at snack time and have been learning to butter our own toast.

We enjoyed our PE and Swimming sessions this week. We are getting more confident in the water and have lots of fun.

Christopher is this week’s ‘Star of the Week’ 🤩⭐️

Happy New Year

The children have settled back into school really well and have had a lovely week. We have started our new topic called ‘Move it’. This is all about different forms of transport. Some of us have started to create a picture of a bus and have enjoyed painting. We have had lots of sensory experiences, including playing with play dough and cloud dough and experiencing ‘rice rain’ under an umbrella. We are also trying to develop our communication skills using symbols and pictures.

Layla was our Star of the Week.