Eco Week (24th to 28th April)

This week was Eco Week. We have enjoyed spending a lot of time outside, enjoying the environment and developing our physical skills.

Our music lesson with Bev this week was a lot of fun. We went outside and joined in with playing on the junk percussion. We made lots of noise and listened to the different rhythms being played on the drums.

We planted some sunflower seeds this week and are looking forward to watching them grow. This will help us to learn how to look after seeds and what happens as they grow. We also enjoyed playing in the soil. We added some water to make it extra muddy and more fun to play with.

Layla was our Superstar of the week ⭐️

A busy start to the new term (17th to 22nd April)

The children settled back into school this week after the Easter break. We have had lots of fun and a very busy week.

This week we have celebrated Eid, creating pictures and artwork. We have started our new topic, ‘Under the Sea’ and have enjoyed developing our early play skills, including playing in sand and water. We have started to use our new choosing boards to help us to communicate which toys we would like to play with and which songs we would like to sing. We have also taken part in 1:1 work and intensive interactions to help us to develop our engagement and communication skills.

We have started to learn a new song linked to our topic.

During the holidays, a new soft play area was installed. Bumblebees have enjoyed exploring this new space. As well as being lots of fun, this area gives the children an opportunity to develop their gross motor skills of crawling, running, climbing and jumping. I’m sure we will be enjoying this space a lot during the coming weeks.

We have also enjoyed time outside this week. The children have enjoyed exploring the signs of Spring and developing their physical skills. The staff enjoyed it too.

We have continued to learn how to brush out teeth this week, developing our independence and self care skills.

HappyEaster (27th to 31st March) 🐥

We enjoyed taking part in lots of Easter themed activities this week. We continued to learn how to make marks in different ways by using a fork to create the feathers on a chick.

We painted a paper plate to create our Easter bunny ears and we put them on to show our friends.

Some of our parents came into Bumblebee’s class to do some Easter activities with us. We did some planting and some Easter crafts. We also made chocolate nests and enjoyed eating them too!

Bumblebees have been so amazing this week, we were all Superstars of the week ⭐️. Bryan got a certificate for 100% attendance 😀

Mother’s Day and Comic Relief (13th to 17th March)

This week we made cards and pictures for our moms. We used painting and printing to make our pictures and chose the colours that we wanted to use. We are learning to hold paint brushes correctly to help us with our mark making.

On Friday, we celebrated Comic Relief. Some of us wore red and we painted pictures of red noses.

We have also been very busy this week, joining in with counting songs, looking at books, working at the work station and lots of sensory play. We have practised lots of skills, including engagement, fine motor and problem solving.

During music this week, Oscar enjoyed playing on the xylophone. This was a new word that he had learnt and enjoyed saying it and interacting with Kym.

Renesmae was our superstar this week. She is learning to play with other people and to share ⭐️