We have had lots of sensory experiences this week in Bumblebees. As part of our ‘Under the Sea’ topic, we have begun making a papier-mâché octopus. This has involved us working together as a team and was a lovely sensory experience, glueing the paper onto the balloon. Some of the children really enjoyed getting their hands into the glue and others preferred to watch. We are now waiting for the papier-mâché to dry, ready to paint next week. We will keep you updated on our progress with this.

Our music lesson this week involved us exploring music associated with us feeling sad. This is linked to our Colour Monster feelings work. The children had the opportunity to explore some violins. They enjoyed touching them and listening to the sounds that they made.

Another sensory experience this week was mashed potato. Some of the children enjoyed using their senses of touch, smell and taste to explore the potato, where others preferred to watch. We are getting better at exploring different textures in Bumblebees, but the mashed potato was not not as successful as the jelly last week.
We have continued to work on our fine motor skills using activities such as threading, jigsaws and posting and have practised our mark making, using crayons and pens. We have been looking after our seeds and they have now started to grow. We have also been developing our physical skills in the soft play and outside. Our Bumblebees love being active and really enjoy any physical activities.
Bryan was our Superstar this week.