A Busy week in Bumblebees 🐝

We have had lots of fun this week in Bumblebees. We have continued with our transport theme and have enjoyed lots of messy and creative play. We enjoyed playing in the baked beans although we weren’t sure about the feel of it on our hands. We pushed the naughty bus from our story through the baked beans and some of us even enjoyed washing up afterwards.

We have been practising our mark making this week. We have been mark making in foam and paint, as well as using crayons. We are learning that we can make marks in lots of different ways.

We are learning to become more independent at snack time and have been learning to butter our own toast.

We enjoyed our PE and Swimming sessions this week. We are getting more confident in the water and have lots of fun.

Christopher is this week’s ‘Star of the Week’ 🤩⭐️

Happy New Year

The children have settled back into school really well and have had a lovely week. We have started our new topic called ‘Move it’. This is all about different forms of transport. Some of us have started to create a picture of a bus and have enjoyed painting. We have had lots of sensory experiences, including playing with play dough and cloud dough and experiencing ‘rice rain’ under an umbrella. We are also trying to develop our communication skills using symbols and pictures.

Layla was our Star of the Week.

Lots of fun in Bumblebees

We have been busy for the last couple of weeks preparing for Christmas. We have made and decorated our own Christmas tree and taken part in lots of Christmas activities.

We really enjoy playing with bubbles, chasing and popping them. We have also enjoyed painting and problem solving activities.

We have been having a lot of fun in the swimming pool and in our PE lessons. We enjoy swinging, climbing and balancing.

Lots to celebrate with our friends⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🎨🎉

It has been a very busy few weeks in Bumblebees. There is always lots to celebrate this time of year from Autumn to Christmas, plus our ongoing personal achievements, in addition this year we have the World Cup too! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🦁🦁🦁

We often Celebrate through different art activities. For Children in Need we used finger paints to put spots on Pudsey, or we guided adult hands if we didn’t want to get messy.
We used brushes, and rollers to paint a design on a football strip. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

To kick off the World Cup we set up a goal in the classroom, staff modelled being goal keeper, it mostly ended up with ‘hand ball’ and lots of throwing and catching 🤩

Our swimming session continued the football theme…

On Thursday we took our first visit to the Woods this term, the children enjoyed the bus journey and discovering the area, though most seem to prefer the wide open space on the playing field.

We have seen some fabulous interactions: children trying new things; problem solving; communicating verbally or using symbols; or self regulating by enjoying their favourite sensory activities.

Friday was whole school ‘Wellbeing Day’. We enjoyed being together, having fun and participating in sensory bag painting. We are going to add our colourful creations to a whole school ‘Wellbeing’ display.

Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day

We have had lots of fun this week completing activities linked to Bonfire Night. We have explored materials with different textures and have created a collage bonfire picture. We also had lots of fun and made lots of mess creating a group firework picture using paint and glitter.

During our music lesson with Bev, we learnt about Remembrance Day and explored different textured poppies. We have also created poppy paintings.

On Thursday, we spent a morning outside exploring the school grounds. We enjoyed running and playing and had a great time.

We have been practising our problem solving and number skills this week. We have been exploring and sorting numicon, sorting shapes, building train tracks and completing jigsaws. We have enjoyed listening to number rhymes. We are also learning to find our photos for self registration.

We have had such a busy week, learning, playing and having lots of fun.

Diwali Celebrations

The children settled back brilliantly after half term and had a lovely three days celebrating Diwali. We made divas from clay and Rangoli patterns using rice. The children enjoyed exploring the different textures.

On Friday we were very lucky to have some visitors into class. The children were able to listen to a Dhol (tradional Indian drum) and tasted some food.

We also had a lovely time exploring the leaves outside.

Autumn Fun

We had a busy two weeks before half term completing lots of activities linked to Autumn. We have spent lots of time outside, enjoying the windy Autumn weather and the leaves falling from the trees.

We have produced some lovely art work linked to harvest and halloween, including making collage pumpkins and play dough hedgehogs. We also enjoying digging in soil, looking for carrots. We had some pumpkins in class. We enjoyed watching the adults, but we were not sure about the texture and the smell. We also had the opportunity to try some freshly baked harvest bread. This smelt and tasted delicious.

We have continued to work on our communication, social and problem solving skills, choosing and completing lots of activities.

We are looking forward to a new half term and to having lots more fun in Bumblebees 🐝