Butterfly news😁🦋

What a lovely week we have had in butterfly class. We have been making milkshakes, exploring our summer festival, splashing in the swimming pool and using different pens to create patterns. The children have all been engaged and enjoyed exploring different activities.

On Monday we went over to Walsall wood to go swimming. We love to have a splash around in the pool🏊‍♂️😁.

We love exploring the different toys our amazing life saver, Lisa puts into the pool. Especially the water cans and the floaty. The children have been building on their confidence to float and really like using the ball float to float on top of the water😁🏊‍♂️.

On Tuesday we made yummy milkshakes in cooking👨‍🍳🥤.

We used strawberry or chocolate milkshake and encouraged the children to point to which one they wanted on a symbol board. They then tipped and poured the milk into the cup before adding a scoop of the milkshake powder. Using an ALD board we added cream and sprinkles. They were super yummy😁.

We loved seeing you guys at the summer festival😁🎉

They did amazing at eating outside in the playground. They ate so well and sat beside their friends😁. Down in the forest we exploring the gruffalo trail, dance along to the African drummers and played with the circus items. It was so much fun😁

On Thursday we were mark making and looking at our letter B. ✏️🌈

We used different pens to create and copy different shapes and patterns. The children really enjoyed creating different marks and exploring the art materials. They were also using pens to follow the letter B pattern.

What a lovely week in butterfly class. Have a lovely weekend and we’ll see you next week for our final week together😁🦋

The butterfly team🦋

Butterfly news😁🦋

Hello butterfly families👋🦋

It’s been a lovely sunny week and we’ve been enjoyed every moment of the sun. We’ve been loving our water play and swimming sessions 🏊‍♂️🫧😁.

On Monday we went over to Walsall wood. We enjoyed splashing in the swimming pool and riding the bikes on the playground🚲🏊‍♂️.

The children are getting so confident exploring the pool and playing with the toys. They especially like filling the teapot and watching the water splashing into the pool. With the weather being so lovely we decided to explore the playground. We loved the bikes where we could sit together and ride around the playground😁🚲🦋.

On Tuesday we explored our animal boogie book. For our bucket session we looked at all the animals in the book. For stage 2 we used a sieve and flour to shake them on animal silhouettes. I then revealed them and labelled all the animals🐍🐘🙈.

For stage 3 we then took it in turns to find the animal hiding in the sand. Once they had found an animal we used sound buttons to listen to the different noises the animals make. They did amazing at matching the animal to the correct sound button😁.

We then moved our sensory story. In different areas of the classroom the children explored and took part in the animal actions.

We stomped like the elephant, flapped like the birds and leaped like the leopards. The children loved exploring the different areas and confidently took part in each activity. We love to sing our animal boogie song😁🐍🙈🐘.

For cooking this week we made orange squash. We tipped, poured, mixed and enjoyed our squash😁

We used communication boards and symbols to help the children communicate their wants throughout the activity. They enjoyed choosing. They all did amazing at making their squash and really enjoyed trying them after😁.

On Friday we started to create some art piece for our literacy competition. We are using the ‘down in the jungle’ topic to create a variety of different pieces😁

We have been practising mark making with a pencil, crayon and chalk. The children did amazing at creating marks using the different art resources. They enjoyed looking at the colours and the animals on the pictures😁🦋.

Have a restful weekend butterflies and we’ll see you next week for a fun-filled week in butterflies😁🦋

The Butterfly Team🦋

Butterfly news😁🦋

Hello butterfly families👋🦋

It’s been a great week in butterfly class. We’ve been enjoying the sunshine and enjoying spending some time outside. We’ve had a fun filled week exploring new things in butterflies😁.

On Monday we looked at shapes. During bucket time the children enjoyed watching different shape activities before moving to table top tasks.

This week we have continued to look at circles but have added some extra shapes to help us recognise circles. Some of the children looked through rainbow rice to find different shapes. They were then able to find the matching shape on the cards. They enjoy exploring the rice and discovering the shapes inside. We also looked at some shapes sorting and shape mark making in coco powder😁🟡.

On Tuesday morning we made some England flags this week to support our football team🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⚽️!

We used red tissue paper & glitter to create our Red Cross. The children uses a glue stick and then sprinkled on our red paper. They enjoyed watching the paper & glitter fall from a height🔴✨🦋.

Then on Tuesday afternoon we were back to being chefs👨‍🍳😁.

We made sweet pizzas this week. We used jam, fruit and sprinkles. The children used symbols to communicate what they wanted on their pizzas. They cut, spreading and sprinkled their ingredients onto their wrap. They then enjoyed it for afternoon snack😁🍕.

On Thursday we planted sunflowers🌻

The children had the opportunity to explore soil, sprinkle their seeds and water the plants. They all did amazing week and enjoyed planting their sunflowers. We can’t wait to see our plants grow🌻😁.

Friday’s creative session this week focused on our topic ‘ down in the jungle’. We used different materials to create snake patterns🐍.

On paper plates the children used sponges, bubble wraps and rollers to create snake patterns. They grasped the different resources and pushing down on the plate. We will then cut then, add a tongue & eyes before putting them onto our classroom jungle display😁🐍

Have a lovely weekend butterflies! See you next week😁

The butterfly team🦋.

Butterfly news😁🦋

Hello Butterfly families!🦋

It’s been a great week in butterfly class. On Tuesday we continued to look at our down in the jungle topic. This week we have been learning all about snakes linking with our animal boogie book. We explored a tuff tray with soil, matched pictures to our story page and had a visit from some snakes🐍😁🦋

The children really enjoyed the puppet snakes and some placed it on their hand and moved it around. Some of use began our colourful semantics task using familiar pages and answering ‘who’, ‘what doing?’ and ‘where?’. We used familiar colours to help the children match the pictures.

We have some chefs in the making👨‍🍳! This week we made pizzas. The children absolutely loved exploring the different ingredients, spreading the tomatoe sauce and adding their toppings🍕😁🦋

We used ALD boards to make choices on what we wanted on our pizzas. The children sprinkled the cheese, grasped a plastic knife to chop the tomatoes and spread the tomato sauce with a spoon. We then cooked and enjoyed them for our afternoon snack🍕👨‍🍳🦋.

Our letter of the week this week was B😁🦋

As a group we sat around the whiteboard and listened to our B song. We then took it in turns to come up and write the letter B in the coco powder. The children did amazing at watching their friends and taking their turn.

We then moved to work task at the table. We continued our Coco powder letter writing and encouraged the children to explore and mark make in the tray✏️. They enjoyed exploring the textures of the coco powder and some even began to make the letter B shape.

We also had picture matching cards and formation sheets. The children were able to grasp the pen and begin to make marks on the paper✏️😁.

Our PSED topic is all about how things grow. This week we have been looking at flowers and what they need to grow. During bucket time we planted some seeds and added water and light so demonstrate how flowers grow🌻. We also looked at what flowers have😁.

They then moved to a picture matching activity. We cut out the matching pictures of a flower and encouraged the children to match them. It was amazing to see the children working hard, engaging with adults and sticking the pieces on to the paper😁.

This week during problem solving we have looked at lots of different cause and effect toys, number activities and shape matching😁

The children have been amazing at recognising familiar toys and completing activities alongside their friends. They have all been amazing at completing activities and exploring new problem solving toys independently😁🦋

See you next week Butterflies🦋

We have swimming on Monday so don’t forget your kits. We looked forward to splashing and exploring the swimming pool🏊‍♂️😁.

The butterfly team😁🦋

First week back in butterflies😁🦋

It’s been a lovely first week back in butterflies😁. This week we have been continuing on with our topic, down in the jungle. Our animal story is still animal boogie and this week we have been focusing on Leopards🐆😁🦋

During our attention Autism session we mixed yellow and black paint then tipped it onto our leopard picture, revealing a mixture of colours. We then moved onto jumping. In our story the leopard are leaping In the jungle. We used hurdles from the PE cupboard and took it in turns to jump over like the leopard🐆.

After we had finished our bucket time we moved away to create our own leopard. We used a pen and black paint to give the leopards their spots. The children did amazing at dipping it in the pot and moving around on their leopard. We also had some picture matching activities and photos of leopards for the children to explore🐆😁.

On Tuesday we made lemonade. We took it in turns to come and cut up a lemon and then squeeze the juice into a cup. The children loved adding their sugar and some even used the symbols to request more! Once they had added all their ingridents and mixed it together they enjoyed their delicious lemonade treat!😁🦋.

Music with Bev was great! We were focusing on high and low sounds. We used a parachute to lift our arms up high and then down low. We also used different intrucments to make different sounds. Bev showed us if they were the same or different😁. It was so much fun to sit together on the carpet🎶🥁🦋.

Our new art topic this term is painting. This week we used shaving foam and Mixed different coloured paint. We used flower templates and pushed them down into the mixture. We then revealed the pattern

Thank you for another amazing week butterflies! Have a lovely rest this weekend and we’ll see you all back Monday for another fun filled week😁🦋

also don’t forget we have swimming Monday, so could we have swimming kits🏊‍♂️😁🦋

The butterfly Team🦋

Maths week in butterfly class😁🦋

Hello Butterfly families👋🦋

It’s been a lovely final week to our summer 1 term. We have been doing lots of fun and exciting things. This week we’ve done lots of problem solving activities, learnt all about the birds in our animal boogie book and had a lovely afternoon with our parents playing outside.

It was so lovely to see some of you at our sports showcase on Thursday afternoon. We had lots of fun exploring the equipment outdoors and play alongside our friends. It was great to have you guys there and experience some of the sport resources we use during PE sessions😁⚽️🦋.

Our cooking session this week we made cloud dough! We used measuring cups to scoop our ingredients and tip them into a bowl. We then took it in turns to mix our flour and oil mixture together before adding our orange food colouring. The dough didn’t work out the way we wanted it so we tipped it into a tuff tray and explored it with our hands! It was so much fun.

On Wednesday as a school we took part in maths day activities however we decided to take part in different maths activities throughout the whole week. Each day we explored different maths toys, listened to number songs and continued our volume and capacity topic😁⚖️

We even took part in maths attention autism sessions. This one we sung 5 green bottles and knocked them off the wall. The children then took it in turns to come up and knock over our bottles with a ball. They did amazing turn taking and waiting for their name to be called😁⚽️.

It was so great to see our children with their maths themed clothes on!

Each day we explored different maths toys! Rosie brought over some number blocks teddies for us to explore. We loved having these in our classroom.

It’s been a great term! We have loved watching the children learn and grow as well as exploring new topics. Next term we are continuing our down in the jungle topic and learning about new animals😁🐘🌳.

Next term we will be swimming on a Monday afternoon. Please send in their swimming kits ready for us to splash around in the pool🏊‍♂️💦

Have a lovely half term rest butterflies. We’ll see you in summer 2!

The Butterfly Team🦋

Elephant Stomping in Butterflies😁🐘🦋

Hello butterfly families👋🦋

It’s been a lovely week in butterfly class. This week we have been focusing on our jungle theme. It has been all about elephants. We have been singing along to our animal boogie song, stomping like elephants and listening to elephants sounds. The children have really been enjoying our elephants themed activities😁🐘

We have also been making elephant pictures using tissue paper, grey paint and dabbers. They children have loved getting messy this week exploring the jungle ground and creating their very own elephant😁🐘🦋

Our favourite time of the day is bucket! We love sitting together and exploring new and exciting activities.

On Wednesday we explored 3 different bucket toys together in stage 1. We have a new robot toy which we love to dance along to! We then did an ice cream splat for stage 2. The children did amazing watching the ice cream splat into the tray😁🍦. It was then there turn in stage 3. They took it in turns to come and make our fizzy pots. They added some white vinegar and bicarbonate soda to make a fizzy volcano🌋😁🦋

Our maths focus this week has been heavy and light. We have used balancing scales to weigh different items. The children took it in turns to fill up the tubs and add them to the scales⚖️. We also revisited our big and small topic and empty and full. The children used sensory resources to tip and pour between different sized cups😁🦋

What another lovely week in butterfly class🦋

We look forward to see you on Thursday for our PE showcase!

Have a lovely weekend!

The butterfly team🦋

Sunny week in butterflies☀️😁🦋

Hello butterfly families👋😁🦋

We’ve had another lovely week in butterflies, filled with lots of fun activities. We have all very much enjoyed the nice weather☀️. This week we have had some water and messy play out. The children have really enjoyed splashing around in the water and exploring lots of different water toys.

We have also been out of the track enjoying riding the bikes and soaking up the sun😁☀️

During our turn taking sessions we are focusing on taking turns with our friends. We used different activities such as shaving foam, rolling a ball or posting a coin into the pig to encourage the children to play alongside their peers. They are all doing amazing work.

In music with Bev this week we focused on the may bank holiday. Bev brought along her colourful materials which the children love to touch and look at. She then play some may pole dancing music and the children took it in turn to go under the pink tasseled poles😁. It’s amazing to see all the children enjoyed there music session🎶🌈.

Bev then broughout out some boom wakers for the children to explore. They loved banging them together and listening to the different sounds😁.

We have been continuing to explore our ‘very hungry caterpillar book’. This week we have been looking at the changes a caterpillar makes before becoming a butterfly🐛🦋.

In attention Autism we used pictures and items to explore the book then moved to some different activites. The children did amazing work at finding the caterpillars, matching the pictures and retelling our story using the props🐛🦋.

For you all to listen at home😁

It’s been another lovely week in butterfly class and we have looking forward to another fun filled week😁

Have a lovely relaxing weekend butterflies, we will see you next week😁🦋

The butterfly team🦋

Animal Boogie🐻😁🦋

Hello Butterfly Families👋🦋

This week our story focus has been animal boogie. We started with our first page, a bear.
During our bucket time we made a bear using tissue paper and then the children took it in turns to stamp on the pump to launch our bear rocket. They have been doing amazing at turn taking with their friends😁.

Here is our story for you all to listen at home!

Once we had finished we moved over to the table to complete some short tasks. We printed out the first page and supported the children to match the pictures of who, what doing and where. They did amazing at matching the pictures together. We also had all of the animals from the story to match the pictures😁🦋

For our PSED sessions we are still continuing our work on the very hungry caterpillar🐛🦋. This week we focused on page 1. For bucket time we blew up a white balloon, counted down from 3 and popped it. Out shot lots of ‘caterpillars’ for the children to stretch and explore🐛.

As part of our activity we looked at how caterpillars turned into butterflies. We then moved into the workstation area where the children decorated a caterpillar and butterfly. We supported the children to choose their colours and use a sponge to spread the paint🎨🧽.

We have also got a new book in butterfly class. This week I brought in a magnetic hungry caterpillar book. The children took it in turn to make the shapes, animals and fruits to the correct place in the book🐛🦋.

To finish off our Friday we got out the play dough and explored making new shapes. Together as a class we sat around the board and listened to our ‘dough disco’.

Once we had finished our songs we moved away and investigated the play dough box. There were lots of fun shapes, cutters and different moulds. The children had some much fun rolling, squishing and pushing to create lots of fun and exciting shapes.

It’s been a lovely week in butterfly class and we’ve had lots of fun😁🦋

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend😁

The Butterfly Team🦋

Fun filled week in butterflies😁🦋

Hello Butterfly families👋🦋

It’s been another fun filled week in butterflies class😁🦋 we have been exploring our ‘going on a bear hunt’ and ‘ the very hungry caterpillar’ story through lots of different activities. This week during our attention Autism session the children took it in turn to come up and look for the caterpillars. They searched through the soil and when they found one we ‘stretchedddd’ the caterpillar🐛😁. They did amazing working alongside their friends and watched them take their turn.

Once we had finished with bucket time we moved to different activites with an adult. We played with our stage 2 activity, rolling fruit, matched the days of the week and fixed our giant caterpillar jigsaw in number order🐛😁.

We used a drain pipe and placed it into our caterpillars mouth. The children chose a piece of food and rolled it down the pipe into the caterpillars mouth🐛. They did lovely turn taking with peers and enjoyed sitting and watching the food roll down.

For our maths topic ‘shape, space and measure’ we focused on big & small again. We used a pump to blow up balloons to make them bigger. The children enjoyed watch Nicky pump out the balloon and some of them even squeezed the balloon to make it smaller again🎈. It was so much fun watched the balloon fly around the classroom😁🦋.

We also used the trampoline to make big & small jumps. The children really enjoy jumping on the trampoline so Sadie supported them to jump high and make big jumps. We also looked at big & small balls with Cathy. We rolled and bounced them to our friends aswell as labelling them used symbols🎾⚽️.

During our morning routine we have been focusing on Recongnising our photos and self registering. We use the ‘help kids learn’ app to complete the self-registration activity. The children take it in turns to come up to the board and choose their photo😁🦋

The speaker calls out their name and we support the children to come up the board. They have a choice between their photo and one of their friends. They all are now able to identify their photo with little support and click on the board😁🦋.

Music with Bev🎶🥁

Our music session on Wednesday focused on St George’s day. Bev brought her 2 big drums and beaters for the children to explore. They split up into small groups and moved around the room, exploring the drums and England flags. As they completed the activity we sang ‘the grand old Duke of York’🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🥁.

This week we have been finished off our ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ story. We have been on another sensory walk to find our bear in the cave. The children enjoy feeling the different textures and splashing in the water to get to our cave.

We also created slime using corn flour and water. We put little bears in the slime and encouraged the children to scoop out the bears. The children love the texture of the corns flour and put their hands into it straight away. Nicky encouraged them to scoop the bears into the pot🐻.

It’s been another fun week in butterfly class!
Next week we are beginning our animal boogie story.

Here is the link for you all the listen at home😁

Have a lovely weekend butterflies!🦋

The Butterfly team😁🦋