This week has been a busy week in school and Caterpillar class! We have enjoyed learning our letters! This week our letter is ‘d’. We have been learning how to vocalise this letter and wrote it with a pen and in sensory media. We explored items that start with this letter.
Well done Caterpillars! We are so proud of all your hard work. Esther, Rosie and all the team.
This week we have been introduced to our new story ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’. We have really enjoyed crafting lighthouses by stacking cups in colour order and using little tea lights for the top of our lighthouses. We have also cooked up a Lighthouse in our cooking session with bread. We made circles with different sized cutters and stacked them on top of each other to make a tower for the Lighthouse. We enjoyed counting the circles developing our maths skills at the same time as eating. Here is ‘What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday’ if you would like to see our story and share it at home the link is below.
To finish our lovely week we enjoyed the bouncy castles on Friday afternoon. We laughed and giggled and bounced till our heart content.
We have had an amazing week in Caterpillars 🐛. This week we have shown off all our wonderful work and achievements we have achieved in our P.E showcase to our parents. Caterpillars. We where very active and joined in with some throwing, catching and kicking the ball into the goals. The children definitely enjoyed sharing all these special moments with their families, well done all and thank you to the families that joined us.
After all the exercise in our P.E Showcase we relaxed and explored our different senses in Tac-Pac. Tac-Pac helps us to communicate through touch and music. We really enjoyed feeling the wind from the fans against our faces and bodies. This helped us cool down with the warm weather we have had. Caterpillars also enjoyed the textures of the sponges and little mops 🧽 and a lovely massage to finish the session. What a lovely relaxing session we had.
We are immensely proud of all our children in Caterpillars this week! Well done on another amazing week. Esther, Rosie and all the team in Caterpillars 🐛.
Caterpillars have had an exciting first week back visiting the forest! We settled back into visiting and exploring nature in the forest area, we found lots of different materials like twigs, grass and leaves. We ran and sat in the long grass, and on the field area. This is great for our physical, social and emotional development. We were all really confident and enjoyed our morning forest session.
Later in the week we created Ladybirds 🐞 with Angel Delight and blueberries in cookery. We mixed and explored the different food textures. We mixed with our hands and utensils. This was so much fun! We got to taste the ingredients too! Yummy!! We even counted the the blueberries for her spots. We are getting ready to be introduced to our new story next week. ‘What the ladybird Heard at the Seaside’.
Well done Caterpillars you have had an amazing first week back we are all very proud of you!
This last week has been amazing, Caterpillars have learnt all about our emotions, our focus was ‘Happy’. We watched the Colour Monster video, Makaton Signed by Esther and looked in Mirrors and iPads to see our faces when we are happy. We noticed we don’t just smile when happy, we have different expressions. ‘Happy is yellow’. We all loved taking selfies😊.
We have also had another wonderful lesson from Bev our music teacher. This was related to emotions and what sound each instrument makes. We explored the Cello this emotion was ‘Sad and the colour Blue’. The children loved the Cello and all were engaged by this instrument and the sound it made. We enjoyed this outside in the sun.
Finally we ended the term with water play where we all loved getting wet and Robin class joined us outside too! We all had so much fun pouring and filling and lots of splashing. Well done this term Caterpillars 🐛. Our achievements have been phenomenal, we are all so proud of you in Caterpillars. We really hope you enjoy your week off and can’t wait to see you when we are back.
We have all been doing some amazing Maths this week! Lots of counting to number songs and placing shapes and numbers in order! We are so impressed and so proud of Caterpillars this week. Caterpillar Mathematicians in practice! ✅🔢
This week we have made sculptures of Starfish 🐠 out of clay. We used our hands to shape our Starfish and to finish off we placed sequins on. Some of us used cutters too. All of us in Catterpillars have had a fabulous week! Well done to all! Esther, Rosie and all the team 🐛😊
What wonderful achievements we have achieved this week in the pool. We have been learning how to float in the water and are becoming more confident in the water and have taken more steps into the pool and gone further in. Wow well done!
We have been busy in our cooking lesson with Rosie making Beach themed pudding pots. Everyone enjoyed tasting the amazing tastes and mixing the ingredients together. What lovely puddings we all made, looks yummy for the beach story we had in the afternoon.
Our new story this week is ‘A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea’. We all loved to explore the sand and water and sang along to the song. Here is the link below so you can join in at home and sing along.
Well done Caterpillars we are all so proud of you! What a wonderful and exciting week we have had, From Esther, Rosie and all the team. 🐛🙂
What a wonderful week we have had celebrating in Caterpillars Class we have taken part in lots of different activities including Crown making, Cake decorating, stencil art and a lovely celebration party to end a wonderful week. Well done Caterpillars you are amazing!
We have had an exciting second week! We are so proud of how caterpillars are settling back in. We have been very busy this week, enjoying our music lesson for Echo week with our music teacher Bev, where we have all enjoyed exploring making rhythms and beats with recycled materials. We have had King Charles in mind and completed a bug hunt and followed the clues around school and it spelt out ‘King Charles’. We found the prize inside the sensory area! ‘Wow Well done Caterpillars!’. We found out that King Charles like gardening so we planted some plants to make our school look beautiful and we can watch them grow. 🐛🌻
We made some trains in cooking this week using bananas, jam and cereals.
To complete our week we wore green to celebrate Echo week.
Welcome back to the first week! Wow we have had so much fun in Caterpillars Class. We have enjoyed exploring our new sensory story ‘The Train Ride’. During our story we have enjoyed exploring sensory items such as the train track and sand, and we even made sandcastle pictures. This week we have returned to our swimming sessions at the main site, where we have enjoy exploring the water toys and the exciting activities in the pool. We are all excited to be back at school this week and have enjoyed getting to know our new class teachers Rosie and Esther. If you would like to join in and listen to our ‘Train Ride’ Story please see the video below.