We hope everyone has had a lovely summer. We are so pleased to see everyone this week and to welcome some new friends to our class.
We were happy to observe lots of routines had been remembered as we got back into the swing of our daily timetable and our new friends have settled in well and already showing an interest with our resources and activities.
Here are just a few photos of our first week back! We had lots of fun with the windy day and used our Pom Poms and ribbon curtain to make a surprise entrance to everyone!
We completed a sensory cooking/messy play activity using Angel delight to link to our new sensory story – The Three Little Pigs. We all explored the ingredients needed and helped sprinkle, pour and mix before finding the pigs hidden in the final mixture (which we had made earlier!) Afterwards, the children enjoyed splashing in the water and helping to use a cloth to help wash the utensils and the pigs that we had found in our chocolatey muddy mixture. Well done everyone.
We hope you have a great weekend, we look forward to seeing everyone next week for a full week of learning!
Best wishes from all of our Doves team – Sarah, Angie, Racheal, Chantelle and Christina 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Celebration assembly
This week we have been reflecting on our fun year in Doves and celebrating everyone’s hard work. We had a fabulous time at our Celebration assembly with Robins class. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
We have also been very happy to see the sun make an appearance and we certainly made the most of it with a fun water fight to end our fun year!
We would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every family for the support this year and congratulate all of the children for their hard work, we are extremely proud of them all and so happy with the progress they have all made this year. Thank you to everyone that has sent in gifts and cards too, it is much appreciated – we will treasure them 🥰
We look forward to seeing everyone back in September, we hope you have a lovely summer break – stay happy and healthy and make lots of memories with your families!
To those children moving on to new classes in September, we wish you the best of luck and we will miss you very much. Thank you for a fun year!
Best wishes, Sarah, Angie, Racheal and Emily 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Summer Festival 🎉🫧🪘
Wow! What a brilliant summer festival we had! Everyone had their face painted and we enjoyed meeting the Gruffalo.
The bubble man made us all very happy with the bubble show – we had never seen so many bubbles, and because it was windy, they went EVERYWHERE!
All of our class enjoyed exploring the different Gruffalo themed activities on offer, the tin can alley was a winner as it made a big noise when the tins fell over, and we also liked exploring the messy play and threading games. Some of our class liked joining in with the parachute when it blew in the wind and everyone had a chance to join Bev in the gazebo for her musical drumming session.
We were grateful to Elijah’s little sister Jessie May that came to play and helped the bubble man and shared the drumming with Ihsan. Emma was also grateful to Lola for her help with running the raffle stall. Good work!
Thank you to everyone that helped to organise today for us, we had a fabulous experience.
Dove’s Day at the Zoo 🦓🦒🦏🦍🐅
We have had a super day at the zoo today. Thankfully, it stopped raining just as we arrived and we didn’t get wet!
We travelled by two buses from school travelling to Twycross Zoo. Everyone was very well behaved on the bus and we liked looking out the windows as we travelled along.
When we arrived at the zoo, we loved seeing the giraffe and the rhinos first and then saw the bonobo chimps and gorillas who put on a very funny show for us. Next, we saw the tiger and when he did his big yawn, we saw his big sharp teeth!
We had a picnic lunch and then went to find the Gruffalo by following the trail. We then had our photo with the Gruffalo, before heading back to the bus.
What a busy day! I think we will all sleep well tonight! Well done to everyone in Doves for a lovely day out🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️. Special thank you to Kerron our bus driver who navigated us safely there and back and to nurse Jo who accompanied us, making sure all medical needs were taken care of. Much appreciation to you both 🌟🌟.
Happy Birthday Eduard!
This week in Doves, we started the week with a fun and relaxing swim session. Everyone was very happy to be in the water and Elijah was so worn out after a busy weekend, he was nodding off in his little boat!
Throughout the week we have been doing lots of socialisations between peers. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing follow that car outside, with Eduard and Ihsan on the go-karts and Lola, Elijah and Safoorah chasing after them! We went on to play some action songs with children smiling when they were centre of our class circle with everyone else whizzing around the outside.
We all enjoyed receiving a beautiful bunch of flowers from Eduard to celebrate his birthday, thank you very much, our classroom smells lovely! We hope you have a lovely birthday celebrating with your family.
Ben our physio came into class to spend some time with us on Friday, Safoorah and Lola worked hard on their stretches, well done! 👏
Don’t forget it is our school trip to the zoo on Tuesday. We are hoping for sunshine, but please can you send your child with a raincoat just in case! If you have any queries about our trip, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Have a lovely weekend,
Sarah and all of the Doves team 🕊️
Happy week in Doves
This week in Doves we have been continuing our work with Rumble in the Jungle. The children enjoyed creating their story boards, by choosing their animals between a choice of two and then being supported with using glue sticks to add them to their own jungle scene. We saw some good looking as adults role played with their final pieces, using sound effects and Makaton to help develop understanding of animal names and sounds.
We have continued to encourage independence this week, and our more active members of the class have enjoyed exploring outside in their walking frames, making the most of the sunshine and also developing communication by making Makaton requests or listening to instructions when it is time to finish.
We have been pleased to see our children helping out in class whenever they can. Lola and Elijah take turns to take our dinner tray back every day, and Safoorah has been helping bring the clean laundry back for her friends. Eduard was very proactive on Friday and independently helped Emily push our trolley to the sensory room so that he could explore all of the toys.
Jacob did some super work with our Physio Ben, he has been doing lots of stretches and sitting practise and was very happy as we bounced him up and down, what a lovely experience of movement.
Our swimming session on Monday was busy as we shared with Owls, the children enjoyed working with others, watching what was going on and smiling at their interactions. We also completed our own action songs and developed water confidence through play.
On the 9th July, we will be taking Doves to the Zoo. We have started talking about it in class, but if you would like to use the photos below to use as a cue to prepare your child, it may help reduce any anxiety on the day. Thank you to everyone that has made voluntary contributions so far, we are extremely grateful ☺️
Have a lovely weekend everyone, from Sarah and all of team Doves 🕊️
Hello Sunshine! ☀️
This week in Doves we have been very glad to see some sunshine.
As part of our communication and language, we have continued with our Rumble in the Jungle story, using sensory resources, switches and lots of Makaton to learn the jungle animal signs. We then developed problem solving skills, by using our fingers to tear up or use cutting blocks to snip paper to add to our cardboard tube binoculars ready for our jungle adventures! We also began to develop our understanding of cause and effect by using the switch to operate the fan to blow the jungle leaves and reveal the hidden jungle animals.
Unfortunately, we were unable to go swimming this week, but we had a special treat as we joined Robin class with their morning soft play session. We loved it so much, we are hoping to join them again very soon! It took a little while for some of the children to begin some independent exploration, but once they did, nobody wanted to leave!
We have thoroughly enjoyed taking our tac pac session outside this week, the grass was still a little soggy, so we used the sensory playground for our activity – lots of smiles all round!
We ended our week with Friday Bubble Disco – we saw some enormous bubbles and liked to watch them floating across the playground in the wind. Some of the bubbles made us jump if they burst on our skin 🫧
We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine ☀️
Don’t forget if you would like your child to attend our school trip to Twycross Zoo on 9th July, there is a letter on Arbor for details.
Take care, Sarah and all of the Doves team 🕊️
Celebrations in Doves!
This week we have enjoyed celebrating Elijah’s birthday. Thank you very much to Elijah’s mummy for sending in treats for everyone in class to share. They were very yummy!
He was very happy as we all sang happy birthday to him during our celebration assembly.
We would also like to wish all the Dove Daddies a very happy Father’s Day – the children enjoyed painting with their feet to create their cards for you!
The sun finally made a short appearance on Friday so we were able to go outside for our bubble disco and exercise
We would like to wish everyone celebrating Eid al-Adha over the weekend a very happy time. We hope you enjoy making special memories with your loved ones.
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term.
During swimming this week, we have enjoyed sharing the session with Owls class and observing some fun interactions with the other children. All the children are continuing to develop their confidence in the water and it has been wonderful to observe children pointing to communicate their choices of activities from resources placed around the pool and initiate play.
This week, we have started a new story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. We have enjoyed finding the jungle animals in our tuff tray and exploring the sounds of the lion and experiencing the spray from the hippo’s adventures at the waterhole! We were proud of the children’s attempts with their fine motor skills, using their hands to explore the green gloopy mixture and using pinchy fingers to pick the green peas and feed the hungry hippo. We also practised threading skills, communicating colour choices by pointing and then using our fingers to pick up and hold coloured pasta pieces to thread on to a pipe cleaner to create some colourful snakes.
We have been extremely proud of our class as we welcomed some special visitors this week. They were amazing demonstrating their excellent progress they have made this year and coped well with meeting new people – well done 👏. For this reason, we chose EVERYONE as our stars of the week (staff included!) Keep up the fabulous work!
Ihsan has surprised everyone this week by standing independently and taking his first few independent steps! He is now using his walking frame in school to transition to different areas and even walking out to the bus at home time. Fantastic!
We observed some beautiful interactions with Safoorah and Lola over lunchtime – Lola was reaching out to hold Safoorah’s hand and Safoorah was smiling at her interactions.
We ended our week with a Friday bubble disco, joining up with Otters and Beavers classes , thanks to Owls for lending us some extra big bubble wands – we loved them! We loved ending our session with the Hokey Cokey and Ihsan and Eduard enjoying a little ride in the double seated go-karts.
Well done for a brilliant week. Enjoy your weekend!
Sarah and all of the Doves team!
Happy Half Term 😁
This week in Doves we have been busy completing lots of sensory exploration linked to our jungle topic.
We finally managed to get outside on Friday for our disco and parachute session. Eduard did fantastic walking with his walking frame and Ibrahim enjoyed spending time outdoors in his standing frame.
Lola is very happy that her new class chair has arrived, she is able to do her dinner duty much easier now!
During tac pac this week, we were very happy to see the children enjoying the music, Elijah was very relaxed in his bouncy chair. Ibrahim is beginning to show understanding of what is coming next in the sequence and we loved seeing Ihsan and Eduard both communicating well by holding their feet in the air for Angie to tickle them! 👣
We hope you all have a fantastic half term. Fingers crossed for some sunshine ☀️
Take care, Sarah and all of the Doves team 🕊️