Where has the time gone? We have reached the end of the school year and what a wonderful year it has been. Our Dragonflies have progressed in so many ways and we are really proud of them.
During choosing time we enjoy seeking out our favourite activities and experiences. It’s lovely to see the children exploring new toys and resources and showing longer periods of engagement and enjoyment.
We revisited some of our favourite Attention Autism activities this week. We definitely like splat activities whether that be foam or flour. “Singing in the rain” is another favourite. It’s lovely to watch the children’s reactions as the water pours down on their umbrella. A favourite activity of the adults is “Mirror, Mirror on the wall” because the children all explore their reflection in different ways! One of our Dragonflies really enjoyed giving his reflection a big kiss!
It’s been hot, hot, hot this week and on Thursday we really enjoyed a visit from the ice cream man. We all sat in the sun and enjoyed our ice cold treat! We were very impressed by how some of our Dragonflies held their spoon to scoop and eat their ice cream. Eating ice creams in the sun is what summer is all about.
We enjoyed our final music lesson with Bev. We all made choices between high and low sounds and fast and slow rhythms.
On Friday we had a little party to celebrate the end of our brilliant year. The children put their turn taking skills to the test when we played pass the parcel. Everyone sat really well and had a good try at tearing off the paper when the music stopped. We then enjoyed the treats hidden between the layers.
We enjoyed having a dance at our sensory disco.
Well done Dragonflies for all your hard work and determination this year. There have been lots of smiles, a few tears, lots of cuddles and plenty of WOW moments. Every day has been full of fun. No two days have ever been the same and we all have so many memories of our special year together. We hope you have a wonderful summer. Let’s hope the sun shines for us all. Thankyou to our families for all your continued support. It has been a pleasure to be part of your little ones learning journeys and to watch them grow and change.
Lots of love,
Julia, Gemma, Jo, Megan and Cath 😊😊