Time To Say Goodbye ❤️

Wow!!!!!! What can we say? What an unforgettable year with our Fabulous Foxes! It has been a privilege to see the, all grow and progress in so many ways.

it is particularly impressive to see how well the children have managed and adapted to changed over the last week, we have had a class party, a visit from the ice cream van, an extra swimming session and as a final treat a visit from the Bubble Lady!

Our Foxes have enjoyed all of these activities which bring to an end of another school year. We have put together a compilation of pictures for you to look back on and celebrate with your child ⭐️
Thank you so much for all of your support over the past year, and for the cards, gifts and kind messages. They mean a lot to us all. The rest of the team will be back in September, at the Pelsall Lane site ready for another exciting year. I am moving on, and leaving Oakwood after 28 years which everyone will be sadly missed 😌 however, we all wish you a safe and happy summer. With very best wishes, love Foxes Team 🥇🤩🦊

It’s been a busy few weeks! 🤩

One of the highlights was our sports showcase where we invited our parents to join in with a swimming session, as you can see it was a great success! Everyone was delighted to see how much our children enjoy the water.

We have began a new Sensory Story with the children. Dear Aquarium! Everyone is enjoying this and we are seeing some lovely responses including smiles, gestures, anticipation and vocalising. Cody is beginning to say ‘Aquarium’. Well done Cody!

Attention autism continues to work amazingly well. We have used this as a vehicle to teach the children about the importance of covering up in the sun. As you can see everyone took turns to put on the hat and glasses.

Today in cooking we decided to see how well the children could transfer their spreading skills. We chose a motivating activity where the children were required to spread icing onto their cakes. Everyone made a fantastic effort, and we could certainly see an improvement in this skill!
We have made lots of new memories as a class and enjoyed learning all our new skills.

We are happy to say in Foxes this week we have two stars of the week, Adiil and Desire for lovely interaction and communication. Adiil has been requesting adult interactions and Desire has once again gave superb interaction during tacpac.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all again on Monday for another jam packed week! ⭐️🌸😊🦊

Welcome back! 🌼

Welcome back, we hope you’ve all had a lovely half term 🌸 the children have enjoyed their first week back in school and have settled in very well to the familiar routines.
Attention Autism has focused on ‘Summer Fun’. You can see the children working independently in some of the photos to make their own sand sculptures.

On Thursday afternoon we had a special visitor into class, Chris was a story teller who told us a lovely interactive story all about a day at the seaside. The children sat and listened to all of the story. It was lovely to see them reaching out to touch the different resources, they also waiting brilliantly for their turns.

As you can see the children are all continuing to work on their skills of spreading and cutting their toast. We are seeing much greater independence now, which is fantastic. Later in the term we will be developing this skill further as we begin to try and make our own sandwiches.

This week our Star Of The Week is Liam Dicken. ⭐️
Liam has worked super hard this work and has completed 6 of his work tasks independently. We are proud of Liam and all of our Foxes. Have a fun filled weekend and enjoy the lovely sunshine 🌞 we will see you all on Monday for another adventurous week 💛

Happy Half Term! 🌸

What a wonderful last week we have had! The children have all continued to work well on their individual tasks, all of the children are showing real progress, particularly with their attention skills.

They are also recalling previous learning. For example, Issah recalled how to make sets up to five, Adiil remembered the sequence of letters in his name. Josh and Cody now understand how to complete their tasks and work from left to right. Riley and Agam are taking turns during attention autism. Agam is working independently at his work station, and Riley is beginning to write his name independently. Desire is now looking at books much more consistently, which is lovely to see.

We have taken advantage of the wonderful weather this week and have had lots of fun outside. We have explored sand and water, played on the bikes, chased bubbles, played on the grass and relaxed! What happy times ❤️

Out star of the week this week is Issah for fantastic turn taking during attention autism. Have a wonderful half term everybody, and we look forward to seeing the children back in school on TUESDAY 6th JUNE! Love from the Foxes team ⭐️🥰🦊

Coronation Capers! 👑🏅🤴🏻

Foxes have had a fun filled week celebrating all things Coronation.

We have made coronation wreaths, using red white and blue handprints. This has helped to generalise our fine motor skills along with hand eye coordination.
A few of us have competed dot to dot activities of the coronation carriage, and Crown Jewels. This meant that we needed to use our understanding of numbers.

A few children also completed a cut and stick activity to decorate a crown. The children followed instructions very well to complete this. Our story this week has been ‘Dear King’ based on the ‘Dear Zoo’ story. The children had super fun with this! They listened for their names, looked in the mirror and pulled faces and listened for the party blower! A few children recognised the King too, by saying his name as they saw the picture.
Our music session was very lively too! We all joined in with the ‘message to the King’ song using our instruments. This was a lovely ground activity.

Attention autism has also had a coronation makeover! Our bucket was filled with lots of party items to shake and blow. The children then enjoyed the ‘cupcake splat’ laughing as the foam went EVERYWHERE!

Our stage 3 activity was a physical session, where the children took turns to ‘pin the face on the King!’ They all did very well with this activity which encouraged early placing skills. Finally a group of children moved onto stage 4 where they made paper chains for our classroom!

Today has been very exciting with a whole class sing a long, and a cake decorating competition…. which we won!!!! Wow, well done Foxes – we have won a fun outdoor game which we can’t wait to use! This afternoon we have had a party, and relaxed with some iPads. We all needed this after such a busy week! We have also had lots of outside fun, as well as a busy swimming session.
Foxes you have been amazing! You are all stars this week ⭐️
Enjoy the long weekend, enjoy the coronation fun and we will see you all next week!
Love from Sharon and the Foxes team 🦊🥰

Eco Week 🦋🌸🪵🌿

What a fun week Eco Week has been!

The theme for Attention Autism this week was ‘Growing A Bean’. For the very first time this group of children worked all the way up to stage four, where they planted their very own bean. They also developed their physical skills of reaching and stretching as they ‘grew’ a beanstalk. Well done!

The children have been exploring their environment, they began the week by completing an Eco treasure hunt around school which was a fun outdoors activity. This challenged the children’s problem solving skills as they searched for the next clue around the school.

Continuing with our Eco theme, we enjoyed a fantastic junk percussion session outside with Bev. This was very noisy and lots of fun was had by everyone. The children all participated at some point, before joining together at the end in a King Charles ‘rap’.

Following on from all of these outside activities, the children used their fine motor skills to tear and scrunch paper, finger paint and use paint dabbers to create Flower Garden pictures. As part of the Big Help Out Adiil has been helping to clean all the work stations and Riley has led the way in letting us know it is tidy up time after each session. To finish our lovely week off Adiil is our star of the week, he has coped with all of the different activities fantastically well and reaching stage 4 in Attention Autism.

well done to Adiil and to all of our fantastic Foxes 🦊 have a lovely bank holiday weekend and next week we will celebrate our Kings coronation which will be very exciting.
Look our for a paper plate in your child’s bag next week, this is for you to send in a Pareto plate of food for our whole school party next Friday.

Out first week back 🦊

What a lovely surprise for the children on the first day back after the holidays. A new soft play area right outside our classroom! The children have had so much fun exploring this and at the same time developing their physical skills, climbing, sliding, rolling and jumping. It has been also lovely to see how they have taken turns and shared this resource together.

Our focus for attention autism this week was a celebration of Eid. The children watched intently throughout. They particularly enjoyed seeing the sparkly crescent moon and taking turns with the coin drop activity. We have also continued with our focus tasks which includes letter and word work as well as lots of opportunity for mark making. The children have settled really well into the routine and it is wonderful to see them retaining their cooperation attention and physical skills.
Our star of the week this week is Desire, he sat throughout attention autism and tac pac this week and he is really beginning to explore different resource within sessions. This is fabulous progress and we are all delighted with him! Well done Desire!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, love from Foxes team ❤️

Happy Easter Everyone 💛🐰🐣

This week has been such a different, exciting and fun week! Our week has been filled with magical activities as we celebrate Easter at school. In class the children have made their own crowns and chick hats. This afternoon we have had a lovely party in class to celebrate the end of term. The children all participated in their own way before choosing from a selection of their favourite activities.

Our parents Easter craft session was enjoyable to see, it was a pleasure to welcome our parents came into class to Easter activities with us. We had fun completing Easter paintings and wreaths as well as the traditional Easter chocolate nests using melted chocolate and shredded wheat. We had such a fun afternoon and the children enjoyed eating lots of chocolate too! To finish our beautiful afternoon, we had a wonderful music session with Bev. The children were happy to see a familiar face and joined in with our Easter songs along with their parents. We all had a sing a long and dance too! 😊

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter

Best wishes from Sharon and the Foxes team.

Fabulous Foxes

What another busy week we have had in Foxes class! The children have been finding different ways to communicate with their adults and peers. During snack time most of the children have been using their Aided Language Display boards to make choices. These are proving really successful in supporting the children to express themselves.The attached photos below demonstrate the children exchanging PECs symbols during snack. Again this is a very successful method of encouraging communication. A few children are beginning to use their own PECs books now to express themselves.

Now and Next boards are helping the children to transition smoothly into their next lesson or activity. The children have responded really well to these boards and now understand what is happening next during the school day. This develops skills of anticipation, and understanding a sequence of events.
All of these approaches are working well in Foxes Class we have evidenced some lovely communication in class this week. The children are all continuing to work well at their workstation. We have also introduced Focus Activities for the children. These are carried out on a 1:1 basis and really focus in on maximising the children’s individual strengths.The boys have responded excellently to our focus work and here are a couple of videos to share.

In class we are reading a book called The Colour Monster. This book focuses on helping the children to begin to understand the different emotions that they may feel. We have concentrated on the Blue monster which is sad, and the Yellow monster which is our happy monster.In class we have displayed some of the children’s work from the story.

Riley is our Star of the Week, this week. Riley has tried so hard with his reading this week and has amazed us all. Well done Riley!

As ever though we are proud of all of our Foxes and the progress that they make each and every day.

Welcome back to Agam as well. Have a lovely weekend everyone from the Foxes Team.

Clever Communicators 🤩

This week we have been amazed at how well all of our Foxes have been communicating. We have seen pecs, speech and using communication boards. During swimming three of our Foxes used their social communication to take turns sharing the large beach ball. We have used the interactive white board to access busy things, four of the children sat round and waited patiently for their turn. This is a real breakthrough for our Foxes and we are all so proud.

Amongst all of this clever communicating we have also carried on working really hard on our every tasks and activities. Here are a few examples of the children during our school day.

Today we have been celebrating Red Nose Day, the children have come dressed in their red clothing and we have had red tuff trays set up in class. During our cooking session we used red jam to spread on our toast, the children have progressed excellently on their spreading skills each week. They are able to use their hand and eye coordination to psychically spread the toast. The children really enjoy our cooking session each Friday morning, they are now able to choose their own plate, cutlery and chopping board. They can hold certain cutlery correctly with minimal support from their adults.

Happy Friday everyone, we hope you have an amazing weekend and we will see you all again on Monday for another busy week ahead! 🌺❤️