Oooo what fun we have had in Kingfishers this week. We began the week by practising our showcase song along with instruments and under the water props.
How many under the sea creatures are there?
Can you point to a starfish? What colour is the crab? 🦀 Is the dolphin happy? 😊 Can you find the hiding jellyfish?🪼
Practising our fine motor skills and pencil control.
Attention Autism – Bucket time, colour splats and popping the bubbles. Our independent activity was creating tangram sea creatures.
Our cooking session – we enjoyed making (and eating) delicious lemon cakes.
This week we also completed the mixed media pictures we have been working on this half term. We used different materials and techniques to build up the layers and create our pictures.
This week Kingfishers have been getting to the bottom of all things under the sea.
Attention Autism – bucket time, splat a cake counting and ‘what’s in the box?’ to find sea creatures. Our independent task was to create an under the sea collage.
Music – this week we had to listen carefully for our turn and then try to play our instrument along to the beat.
We have been working very hard this week on our individual tasks and personal learning targets.
Having a lovely water fight to cool down. We all had a great time.
We have also been very busy this week rehearsing and making props for our music showcase next Wednesday. Please return your slip asap if you would like to join us and see the wonderful things we have been working on.
Ball Skills in PE – rolling, throwing, kicking, receiving and aiming at a target.
We used our book ‘Sharing a Shell’. We listened to parts of the story and made sentences using who is doing what underneath.
Fishing for under the sea ocean creatures.
Lots of singing songs with resources – we had fun counting the bounces on the Lycra and hearing the syllables of our name on the drum, moving the scrunchie fast, slow, high, low, forward and backwards!
Taking a visit to view fish in the aquarium in Reception.
Attention Autism – we enjoyed finding out what was in the bucket, watching bubbly fish and listening to the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’. Our independent task was constructing a sentence about the story using colourful semantics.
We practised our turn taking skills during our music session and had lots of fun joining in with some action songs.
Focusing on number – practising our counting and number formation skills.
Ball and bubble fun in the sunshine.
During our cooking session this week we practised our spreading and chopping skills to make pizza. It was delicious!
Did you know? Narwhals live in Arctic waters for up to 50 years. Narwhals can change colour. Their tusks are actually a tooth of a male whale. They can grow 10 feet long – that is longer than the length of our minibuses!
Using props to sing about the waves in the sea to the familiar tune ‘the wheels on the bus’.
A few tuff trays related to Under the Sea – bubble mirrors, crab connections and seashell play.
We had a lovely music session this week with Bev. We joined in with different songs all about the seaside and practiced our turn taking skills.
In our attention autism bucket this week were lots of items that started with ‘c’, our phonic sound of the week. We looked at cars, caterpillars and cups….whoosh went the tower. Our independent activity was designing a caterpillar of our own.
We really enjoy dough disco in Kingfishers, and it is helping us to develop our listening, copying and fine motor skills. We are all getting very skilled at manipulating the dough in different ways.
We continued to work on our mixed media pictures during our art session, printing a layer of a different shade of blue to create a texture of our choice.
On Thursday we had a wonderful treat, we got to have lots of fun bouncing on a pair of bouncy castles. We all got very warm and worn out, but had a fantastic time. A big thank you to one of the wonderful teaching assistants in school, Gemma, for organising this for us.
Kingfishers are continuing to work on our topic this week. We have been bubbling with enthusiasm and keen to dart and dive into lots of different activities…
In PE we listened and thought about moves we could do to ‘Under the sea’ from The Little Mermaid. We then tried to keep cool by following underwater yoga 🧘 with jellyfish Pom Poms!
Scan the QR code with your camera or visit the Top Marks website for some underwater number work.
We listened and did the actions to Baby Shark and then tried to do a Baby Shark jigsaw. We added a shark bath bomb to water 💦 to see if it would swim to the surface.
Creating an underwater scene with coloured foam, paint, glitter and paint on foil so that it was glistening and shimmering.
Keeping cool in the sun – what a hot fun week we’ve had! An amazing time playing with water … it was so fun, lots of laughs and plenty of squirting!
Edible sand, gloop and Lego play at the end of the week as we tried to keep ourselves as cool as possible. Dads …..
Welcome back – we hope you’ve all had a wonderful half term holiday. This half term Kingfishers are continuing to work on their skills, targets, EHCP objectives, schemes and our school Under the Sea topic.
A few sensory resources in our classroom this week. We went to look at the fish tank at Rushall Reception on our way to Forest School – pointing out our favourite and watched them swimming gracefully in the water. Take a look at our amazing wall displaying lots of fun activities, art and craft sessions we have been involved in.
Attention autism – sustaining our attention for longer periods of time. We started exploring the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and made our own rainbow fish at the end of the session.
Phonics and early reading skills – we practised our sound of the week – o for octopus.
Practising our maths skills, focusing on counting skills and shape matching.
Number song fun – we enjoy using the props to help us count and singing along to the music.
During our music session this week we immersed ourselves in the beautiful, calming sounds of the sea.
A work in progress – we have started a piece of mixed media art this week inspired by the sea.
This week Kingfishers also took part in our first session of the NSPCC’s Speak out to stay safe programme. We thought about who we could ask to help us in school, and different ways we could let them know that we needed some help.
This week Kingfishers have submerged themselves in our topic ‘Under the Sea’. We have enjoyed exploring tuff trays and resources around the classroom linked to the theme and have been encouraged to name, describe and count or group them. We have talked about crabs and how they move as our class story – Sharing a Shell – is about a hermit crab. Look how this crab finds its new bigger home …
Fine motor placing and counting cheerios.
Can you make a jellyfish? What does it feel like?
Chilly ice, flavoured cubes and water play 💦
Attention Autism – bucket time, building (and washing away!) a tower, then a fish and spoon race.
Stage four – matching shapes to complete an under the sea picture.
Maths and problem solving activities.
Phonics, mark making and building sentences using colourful semantics. We practised all of the phonics sounds we have learned this half term.
Sensory play- we enjoyed investigating the sand.
In music we continued investigating emotions. We made some very sad sounds using the cello.
Wishing Jade all the best in the adventures that await her – we will all miss you in Kingfishers and will seek you out in Devon! Thank you for all your hard work, dedication and the fun you had we can’t thank you enough.
Have a wonderful half term break – from everyone in Kingfishers.
Sharing a Shell is a tale of friendship – this week Kingfishers worked on both the book and in working together and sharing under the sea resources in our Topic work. Take a peek below to see what mesmerising delights we have been up to:
Look at these shells – What colours can you see? Can you see a spikey one? A spooky one? Which is your favourite?
Concentrating on our Games skills – rolling and retrieving a ball, rolling a ball between a partner and rolling a ball at a target. We listened carefully to practise using underarm.
Listening to our chosen story read aloud on our new Tonies. They are so easy to use – we just stood a character on the top of the box!
We thought about what was coming out of the suitcase and named each item as we put the collection together to look at. We then decided what it matched and talked about the sea for our topic focus.
What a super soaking wet sports showcase 💦 We had a really lovely afternoon with families in the swimming pool. Showing our new skills and fun activities we get up to.
Attention autism – bucket, fish splat and racing wind up toys. Excellent attention and turn taking from everyone.
Stage 4 – Making a colourful fish independently.
Phonics and mark making fun. Can you guess our sound of the week?
Investigating shapes and colours.
Painting the fish we sculpted out of salt dough last week.
In music we investigated the emotion sad. We had lots of fun using the violin to make low pitched, ‘sad’ sounds.
We enjoyed learning how to programme the Bee-bots. We know to press the orange buttons to tell them how to move, and then to press the green button to start them moving.
How many footmen? How many guards? Can you count 4 postilions?
Can you find things red and gold in the photos?
A momentous occasion… What colours can you see in the sky?
Having a tremendous time practising our skills and enjoying playing with our friends and adults.
Rocking it out on his piano! 🎵
Who’s the king of the castle? Can we balance the cups and make the tallest castle? Lots of balancing and spacing skills.
Exploring resources to match our colour monster story and naming the emotions as we interacted with them.
We also thought about our under the sea topic and enjoyed sharing the story ‘There’s a hole at the bottom of the sea.’
Attention Autism – Bucket time, shell fizzer and find the fish.
Stage 4 -Can you make an aquarium picture?
Our Thursday music session with Bev. – investigating beat and rhythm, and what music makes us feel happy.
Investigating our phonic sounds of the week – p.
Problem solving and maths tasks of the week – investigating number and handling data. Sorting chocolate is tasty!
Sculpting fish out of salt dough. We rolled the dough to make it smooth and then shaped it in to a fish. We used our fingers and tools to add an eye and scales to our fish.