Yet another great week in Squirrels before our half term break. Everyone has worked so hard. We have had a focus on our literacy and numeracy this week, getting all involved in choosing and reading books 1 to 1 or with a friend. It is a great way to encourage our Squirrels to engage with books and to communicate preferences.
Some of our Squirrels thrive with their own individual challenges at workstations, followed by a highly motivating special interest activity. This promotes concentration, focus and communication.
Squirrels are developing their transition skills each week, travelling to our Walsall Wood site for swimming. Everybody is so impressed with how grown up our little Squirrels are!
Cooking was messy and tasty this week! We had lots of fantastic communication when the chocolate icing appeared. Vocalisations, chatter and ALD usage asking for ‘more please!’ Fabulous communication and problem solving there Squirrels!
Have a safe and peaceful half term holiday Squirrels and we will see you in June!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love the Squirrels team – Heidi, Josh and Chantelle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️